and re-lock your bags quickly and easily.

These locks feature a resettable three-dial combination lock allowing you to change often the combination. They are available nearly everywhere that sells travel supplies.
home-scale. But, make sure that each of your luggage doesn't exceed 60 - 65 lbs on your home-scale. Check also with your airline regarding acceptable sizes and weights.
transportation that you are not aware of. Try to act like a local. Do not carry too much cash or expose yourself in crowded area where thieves can target their victims. Put exact amount of cash in your pocket if ever you want to tip a qualified assistant. Remain alert until you reach your lodging or family shelter.
Do not pack cameras, cellphones, laptops or expensive jewelry in checked bags. Put them in your carry-on instead and make sure the latter is not oversized. That way, it will both meet the requirements of the airlines and will also fit into the overhead compartment on board. Most International Aircraft Carriers accept 1 carry-on bag and a personal bag [such as a suitcase or a purse].

Remember, you have a two piece baggage concept where the maximum permissible weight for each piece is 50 or 70 lbs depending on the season you're traveling.

Finally, it is very useful to save the receipts of your purchases and double-check all items you're traveling with just in case your bags got lost. They are good evidences if ever you intend to fill out a claim liability form at your ultimate destination.
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Prior to leaving home, ensure that your luggages are clearly labeled, safely locked, and free of hazardous materials as well as prohibited items, such as firearms, knives, pocketknives, scissors with a cutting edge longer than 4", lighters, and boxcutters. Bringing these items to the security checkpoint at the airport can result in delays for you and your companions. You can also purchase TSA luggage locks that feature a secure system, accepted, certified, and recognized by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).

These TSA Luggage locks meet TSA's standards to allow you to lock your luggages, yet help them to maintain security at the nation's air and sea ports by allowing TSA personnel to inspect

For your own safety try not to flash expensive jewelry, clothing, and anything that can catch people attention upon arrival in Port-au-Prince. Be sure that a very closed relative come and pick you up at the airport. It is not recommended to take either unlicensed taxi cabs or board other means of

As summer is fast approaching, it is advisable to pack your luggage with light clothes, sandals, flashlight with extra batteries, sun screen lotion at least 15SFPF and water proof, mosquito lotion, and hats. Make sure to bring with you first aid supplies - antiseptic wipes, band-aids, gauze and tape, Tylenol, Pepto Bismol, Benadryl or antihistamine, and protect yourself from mosquito bites.
  • Pay special attention to mosquito protection between dusk and dawn. This is when the type of mosquito whose bite transmits malaria is active.
  • Wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and hats.
  • Use insect repellents that contain DEET (diethylmethyltoluamide)
  • Drink only bottled or boiled water, or carbonated drinks in cans or bottles. Avoid tap water, fountain drinks, and unpurified ice cubes. Make water safer by both filtering it through an “absolute 1-micron or less” filter and adding iodine tablets to it. Remember, these tips are designed to protect you, your family and loved ones, and are not meant to be inconvenient.

    Have a safe trip!
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    Going to Haiti, here are some tips that will help you plan a wonderful and safe trip!
    Once your reservation is made and you booked with your airline, it's time for you to start selecting your belongings as well as the right-size luggage you want to travel with.
    In general, 2 medium-size luggages and 1 carry-on are useful. A larger-size luggage might be a trap for excessive weight as you intend to load it up. Overweighted baggage is often subject to a $100 additional fee. So, be smart!
    Prior to leaving home, weigh your luggages on a practical
    Furthermore, when buying articles, do not let you tempted by too many priceless and heavy items such as soap, shampoo, and so on... These items often contribute to overweight your luggages.
    Ensure all liquid containers [non-flammable] are tightly closed. Check with your airline for content restrictions.

    Extra merchandises should be packed into a container or a barrel and then shipped via cargo. You can also forward products at least 3 weeks in advance. Therefore, you'll maximize your use of space to fit more valuable items.
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