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Frantz-Antoine Leconte
So, it is not surprising that over the years, Frantz Leconte has developed a profound taste for writing and publishing. Haïti: Le vodou au 3e millénaire (2002) French
Book - Contemporary turned as one of the best contemporary accounts of vodou in the last decade. One is able to grasp through eight essais the African origine of this too often denigrated religion, its inspirational relationship with the war of independence of Haiti. La République (1998) Book - Satire (French) a play could be perceived as a satire which stages the traditional, despotic, chaotic and absurd political situation intitutionalized by
governments of the third world. The head of a terrorist state would not hesitate to sell his country piece by piece for a profit.

Le viol du nouveau monde (1996) Book - Adventure (French) constitutes a serious indictment of colonization of the new world by European powers. We also learn about the indigenous people, the tortures they had to endure and the tragic genocide that decimated them with their entire civilization. En grandissant sous Duvalier (1999) Book - Thriller (French) This is a provocative analysis of the Duvalier era in Haiti, which traces the emergence of a political class from the American occupation of Haiti (1915 - 1934) to the advent of the Duvalier, who have, father and son, held Haiti captive under a reign of terror for about 3 decades.

But, Roumain has definitely been a passion for him. The Bewitched Mountain (2007) Book - Novel (French/Eng) a poignant and tragic rural story or a peasant novel that shows the fragility of Human nature, love, passion, jealousy, misery, superstition and greed, the chaotic elements that make up the Haitian condition. Jacques Roumain au pluriel (2007) Book - Litterature (French) a provocative study of Roumain's abundant literature which explores his poetry, journalism, short stories, novels, ideology and philosophy, scientific works as well as his involvement in Haitian politics.

Many of his books and other titles are available in libraries and online and can be part of your personal collection. Frantz A. Leconte is a member of the American Association of Teachers of French, the Conseil International d'Etudes Francophones, the National Association of Scholars, the Association of Literary Scholars and Critics, and La Société des Professeurs Français et Francophones d'Amérique.

If Frantz-Antoine Leconte loves teaching and his students, he loves as much poetry, music, soccer and the blue ocean...
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Frantz-Antoine Leconte


Frantz-Antoine Leconte was born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti and migrated to the USA since he was very young. His passion for Haitian literature eventually fostered his commitment to promote French, Francophone, Haitian culture through the City University of New York.

He is the French Area Coordinator of the Department of Foreign Languages at the City University of New York's Kingsborough campus. He studied at City University of New York and received his B.A. in 1977 and his Master of Art in 1980, his Master of Philosophy in 1985 and his Ph. D. in 1989.

His contribution to the world of the intellect seems to have been decided since birth. What he does in his free time is precisely what he would like to teach and write about: literature, culture and history on which he has extensively lectured. He participated in an international colloquium in homage to Jacques Roumain, one of his favorite Haitian writers, in Haiti last year. According to Frantz-Antoine, his duty was to make people aware of many unknown philosophical and literary aspects of Jacques Roumain's works.
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